Below are some photos from previous Achill trips:
Stayin’ Alive
Neo and Morpheus
Long Weekend
The Finn’s noxious farts took some time to clear from the Hiace
Singin in the rain
Happy out
I know we left the Village Inn somehwere around here
Stepicolimus Distractus – Common Name Steps, Rare footage taken of this elusive and critically endangered species
Finnegans wake in the early 90’s, before their revoltionary change of image
Neo and Morpheus challenge agent steps
With the Hiace full, other methods were used to carry the beer
“…Use the force Björn…”
Campin buddies
Benny Hill in Achill (post Vietnam)
Where’s Whippy?
The Pyramids of Achill
A magic embrace
All the minding in the world…but..
Beam me up Scotty
Don’ make him thirsty…
The gathering
Señor Palantes
Finnegans Wake brought the house down
Strange game
Trippy has had enough of Gunners views on the economy
Troop Carrier Away
I’m sailing away, Set an open course for the virgin sea,’Cause I’ve got to be free, Free to face the life that’s ahead of me
The legendary Achill Foot (its first filmed sighting)
Up up and away…
You think thats Mad
Barney and Beeney
Maddog to the rescue
The Ferrari, in all its glory..
Craggy Island
Does exactly what it says on the tin!
It’s Waterprooof!
Hob Knobs
Pub Dominos
Steps being interviewed after his glorious victory
Keepin it lit
A lot goin on in this one..
BeBe Cassidy and the Madog kid
Reaching out
Hat off to that man
buckled Raccoons
Wild Thing
Warming up
Old Timers